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Get Back to feeling well
And start enjoying life Again


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Hi there!

I'm Natalie Kittell, an Energy Healer & Intuitive Coach.


I help people who feel held back by their physical symptoms, chronic or mysterious health issues or lack of energy release the energetic causes of those issues so they can start enjoying life again.

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Everything is harder when you don't feel well.


You want to spend quality time with your family or friends, socialize like you used to, do the activities you love, or even just run some errands, but the truth is there's not enough gas in the tank and none of these feel easy.  Your physical symptoms are holding you back from living the life you want and are keeping you feeling lost, stuck, hopeless, alone, stressed, and out of sync with yourself.


I see you, and I get that, because I've been there.  And I want you to know...


It's possible to feel better. 

And when you do, life will start feeling easier and more enjoyable again.


I can support you in releasing the energetic causes of your physical issues

so you can get back to living a life you love.


(It's a combination of these 3 effective tools):


Clears energetic blocks (including mental, physical, emotional, spiritual)
helps you raise your vibration.


Is infused in every session.  I connect with my own intuition, Source energy, and a spiritual support team to guide the session.  Clients also have a tendency to get intuitive hits during sessions with me.



Is used as needed to help the body release stored emotions, help the mind relax, calm the nervous system and let go of old patterning. 

(with an intuitive twist)

Ready to Book?  

What issues can be helped? 

~ physical symptoms (muscle tension, fatigue, headaches/migraines, back pain, aches, digestive issues, unusual/unexplained pain or sensations and more)

~ health issues (IBS, arthritis, autoimmune issues, sleep issues, pelvic issues, and more)

~ chronic pain


Mental/emotional issues that may get addressed in conjunction with a physical issue:

~ feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed

~ feeling stuck or stagnant 

~ long-standing patterns of not feeling seen,           

  heard, or valued

~ feeling triggered in daily life

~ relationship issues

~ trouble making a decision

~ having a sense of over-responsibility

~ feeling disconnected from self

~ patterns of perfectionism and people pleasing

~ lack of confidence

~ feeling like you're not good enough 

~ playing small

...(and more!)


What results do clients get? 

(their words, not mine!)

~ physical healing

~ improvement in symptoms 

~ sense of relaxation, calm, and peace

~ decrease in or release of body tension

~ decrease in or release of pain

~ more regulated nervous system

~ emotional healing

~ more ease in relationships

~ better sleep

~ feeling of increased openness 

~ sense of freedom

~ ability to hold better boundaries

~ feeling stronger during difficult communication

~ more a-ha moments happening

~ less shame

~ increased ability to be in the present moment

~ more groundedness

~ better energy

~ less anxiety

~ increase in productive energy

~ more creativity

~ more ease in making decisions  

~ heart opening

...(and more!)

The key to healing lies within releasing the energy behind what's keeping you stuck and opening to the truth of who you are.

And I can help you do just that. 

Sessions are gentle, compassionate, and judgment-free and may include:

  • Energy healing

  • Intuitive reading

  • Body-based emotional processing

  • Energetic release of beliefs and patterns

  • Energetic release of past experiences 

  • Inner child healing 

  • Energetic release of past life energy

  • Energetic release of ancestral patterns

  • Working with energetic cords

  • Using light energy and color as healing tools 

  • Sensing into your aura 

  • Sensing into your chakras

  • Calling in spiritual support to help the session

  • Teaching you how to work with your own spiritual support team

  • Teaching you how to clear your own energy and space

  • Teaching you how to center 

  • Teaching you how to tap into your own intuition

  • Teaching you mindfulness

  • Teaching you self-compassion

  • Teaching you thought work tools

  • Teaching you relaxation techniques​

  • Offering you energetic and practical next steps

Ready to Schedule?  

Find the session that's right for you below and book online now!

It's always easier to have help along your path!

Curious if my work could help you?  

Let's talk!

Book a FREE 15-30 minute discussion to explore the idea of working with me.  

You have the power.  I have the tools.  Let me help you uncover your own ability to heal.

Certified Usui Shiki Ryoho

Reiki Master

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© 2017 Natalie Kittell.  All Rights Reserved.


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